Trends in the economic mechanism of Ukraine’s enterprises at the transition from state-planned system to mixed market economy

Lysevitch, Sergey та Лисевич, Сергій Григорович та Лысевич, Сергей Григорьевич (2019) Trends in the economic mechanism of Ukraine’s enterprises at the transition from state-planned system to mixed market economy. Sciences of Europe (41). с. 18-21.

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Today, Ukraine’s economy is in a transition period from state-planned (administrative) to mixed market econ- omy. Each economic system has its own economic mechanism designed to produce those material goods and services that are necessary for society. The economic mechanism is a set of forms, methods and tools for managing economy, both at a state level and at an enterprise level. During the transition from state-planned economy to a transitional period, the following changes occurred at the level of the economic mechanism of an enterprise - the role of the economic mechanism increased, while the role of administrative, regulatory and socio-psychological mechanisms decreased. This is due to the fact that significant mistakes were made during the reform: the role of the state was reduced, and privatization was ineffectively implemented, which radically changed production rela- tions between people. Nowadays Ukraine develops its mixed market economy. This causes the following trends in the economic mechanism at the enterprise level: the role of the economic, regulatory and socio-psychological mechanisms increases, while the importance of administrative influence decreases.

Тип елементу : Стаття
Неконтрольовані ключові слова: economic system, economic mechanism, production relations, privatization, state-planned (ad- ministrative) system, mixed market economy.
Теми: Наукові матеріали > Статті в журналах > Економіка
Наукові матеріали > Статті в журналах
Підрозділи: Навчально-науковий інститут економіки, управління та адміністрування > Кафедра економіки та міжнародних економічних відносин
Користувач, що депонує: Адміністратор репозиторію
Дата внесення: 26 Груд 2019 10:10
Останні зміни: 24 Січ 2020 14:24

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