Borrowings in the medical terminology of the Ukrainian language

Cheverdak, Polina and Чевердак, Поліна (2018) Borrowings in the medical terminology of the Ukrainian language. Актуальні проблеми сучасного економіко-гуманітарного дискурсу в Україні. pp. 143-145. ISSN 78-617-7553-46-4

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Medical vocabulary is one of the oldest professional terminology. Initially, the names of the organs of the human body appeared, and later – descriptions of the symptoms of various diseases and their treatment methods. Medical terminology is not a permanent system, it lives, changes, adapts to the needs of society. The history of medicine, the change of scientific views, the integration and differentiation of scientific disciplines, cultural ties, the influence of the lexical-semantic system of language - all this reflected in the stylistic heterogeneity of medical terminology. The terminology of medicine is heterogeneous in its origin. The Ukrainian medical terminology contains a large number of different borrowings. Some words are borrowed and adapted to the phonetic and spelling rules of the Ukrainian language; others are fixed by the Cyrillic without any particular changes

Item Type: Article
Uncontrolled Keywords: terminology, medicine, vocabulary, borrowing, names of diseases, terminology system
Subjects: Research materials > Scientific conferences abstracts
Depositing User: Адміністратор репозиторію
Date Deposited: 08 Oct 2018 07:00
Last Modified: 11 Jun 2019 07:14

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