Rationing of costs of fuel and energy resources for production

Dobrovolsky, Vladimir and Добровольський, Володимир Васильович and Mayorchenko, Vladimir and Майорченко, Володимир Миколайович and Romanenko, Alexander and Романенко, Олександр Андрійович and Doroshenko, Nikolay Vladimirovich and Дорошенко, Микола Володимирович and Davydenko, Lidia Sergeevna and Давиденко, Лідія Сергіївна and Bugaev, Sergey and Бугаєв, Сергій Семенович (2009) Rationing of costs of fuel and energy resources for production. Металлургическая и горная промышленность. - Днепропетровск (3 (255). pp. 145-147. ISSN 2073-9982

Dobrovolskiyaticle 11.02.2009.pdf

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This article has developed a methodology for normalizing the consumption of electricity, fuel and thermal energy for the production of InGOK. A proposal was made to develop an automated system for planning and analyzing electricity consumption. The purpose of the system is to organize the calculation of planned volumes of electricity consumption based on production indicators, reducing its unit costs per unit of output

Item Type: Article
Uncontrolled Keywords: methodology, standardization, specific consumption rate, costs, electric energy, fuel, thermal energy, concentrating mill, calculation, calculation and analytical, experimental method, InGOK
Subjects: Research materials > Journal articles
Divisions: Educational and Scientific Institute of Hospitality Industry and Tourism > Department of Technology in Restaurant Management, Hotel and Restaurant Business and Entrepreneurship
Depositing User: Адміністратор репозиторію
Date Deposited: 29 May 2018 13:56
Last Modified: 29 May 2018 13:56
URI: http://elibrary.donnuet.edu.ua/id/eprint/435

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