Identification of homogeneity of objects of anti-crisis management system by cluster method

Іванова, Наталя Сергіївна and Ivanova, Natalia (2017) Identification of homogeneity of objects of anti-crisis management system by cluster method. Маркетинг і менеджмент інновацій, 1 (4). pp. 188-198. ISSN 2227-6718


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The aim of the article is to identify the homogeneity of the regions of Ukraine, as the objects of the anti-crisis management system by methods of cluster analysis. As a result of the held clustering of the regions of Ukraine by the indicators of socio-economic development of regions the homogeneity of the regions within the respective clusters is identified that enabled to identify three clusters. The received clusters have enabled to develop the anti-crisis management system for the regions according to their belonging to a particular cluster. The correctness of the observation classification (regions) by k-method is confirmed by the results of the discriminant analysis. The generalization of the differences has enabled to characterize the identified clusters, but it is difficult to carry out the identification of the region’s belonging to a particular cluster for the next period according to the received results of the research. That is why it is planned to develop mathematical functions for each cluster (discriminant function) and carry out the component analysis that will enable to determine the factor features and their components. In addition, it is planned to develop the classification of industries according to the availability level of crisis events. Based on this research and the planned one, the identification matrix of the crisis of the companies will be developed that will enable to develop a strategy for anti-crisis management: crisis prevention, the reduction of the crisis impact and the elimination of the consequences.

Item Type: Article
Uncontrolled Keywords: anti-crisis management, Cluster Analysis, cluster, region, Discriminant Analysis
Subjects: Research materials > Journal articles > Economics
Research materials > Journal articles
Research materials > Journal articles > Management and Administration
Divisions: Educational and Scientific Institute of Economics, Management and Administration > Department of Marketing, Management and Public Administration
Depositing User: Адміністратор репозиторію
Date Deposited: 02 Apr 2018 08:59
Last Modified: 02 Apr 2018 08:59

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