The use of ai in hotel and catering business

Romanuha, Oleksandr and Романуха, Олександр Миколайович and Романуха, Александр Николаевич and Mastabai, Nazar and Мастабай, Назар and Мастабай, Назар (2023) The use of ai in hotel and catering business. Ефективна економіка, 9 (1). ISSN 2307-2105

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The work draws attention to the potential of using neural networks in the hotel and restaurant sector, which is primarily aimed at improving customer service. An explanation of what should be understood by the term neural network and the reasons for its appearance are given. It was established that the stimulus for the active spread of their use in the work of hotels and restaurants was the crisis moments associated with the spread of COVID-19 and the restrictions caused by it. At the same time, attention is also drawn to the general trends in the development of humanity, which are associated with the emergence of a new generation "Z" - people of information technologies and services. An analysis of the main directions of using neural networks in the hospitality industry is presented: simplifying the choice of food and drinks; personalization of food and drink recommendations; improvement of the online ordering system; recommendations for optimizing the functioning of the institution; organization of security and personnel work; development of interior design; customer service, organization of marketing work, etc. The general concept of work boils down to the assertion of the gradual integration of various services and elements into one global system, which will eventually be able to take full control of the maintenance and development of a particular institution under its control. At the same time, the author does not reject the role and importance of a person in the development of the hospitality industry, since live contact continues to hold a strong position and play a significant role in the work of hotels and restaurants. In the conditions of increased competition in this market segment, neural network tools make it possible to facilitate work in various aspects: marketing; financial; economic; management, etc. The introduction of neural networks to automate some processes in the work of the enterprise will lead to changes in the work processes and roles of employees. Hotels and restaurants must be ready to train and retrain employees to be ready to work with the neural network. The lack of human contact when interacting with a facility can be an unpleasant surprise for a large number of consumers, which is why it is important to balance the automation of processes with maintaining the ability to serve live people.

Item Type: Article
Uncontrolled Keywords: restaurant; hotel; AI; development; technologies; services; tourism
Subjects: Research materials > Journal articles
Research materials > Journal articles > Humanities
Divisions: Educational and Scientific Institute of Business and Hospitality > Department of Economics and Business
Depositing User: Адміністратор репозиторію
Date Deposited: 02 Dec 2023 14:49
Last Modified: 02 Dec 2023 14:49

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