Analysis of the image of hotel services users on the example of the uahotels

Romanukha, Oleksandr and Романуха, Олександр Миколайович and Романуха, Александр Николаевич and Mastabai, Nazar and Мастабай, Назар and Мастабай, Назар (2023) Analysis of the image of hotel services users on the example of the uahotels. Ефективна економіка, 7 (1). ISSN 2307-2105

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The image of the user of hotel services on the example of the portal is investigated. Statistics of the portal visitors in section are collected and processed: the number of visitors; country of emergence; City of emergence; used technical means; login technologies; search and more. The statistics of all categories were analyzed for the period 2017-2022 in terms of: number of sessions; the number of new sessions; the average duration of the session; The average number of pages reviewed. The analysis was carried out by statistical methods to determine the general dynamics of development and growth rate compared to the previous year. The analysis stated that during the study period there was a transformation of the image of the user of the Internet. The analysis revealed trends to the aging of the customer market and an increase in the proportion of older people 45+. These changes occurred against the background of a rapid reduction in the total number of visitors. At the same time, the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic had much less recession trends than the war in February 2022. Within the framework of the data of negative external factors of influence, a tendency of geographical reorientation of visitors to the dominance of post-Soviet countries and East of Ukraine to Western Europe and Central Western Ukraine was revealed. The density of settlement of the area played a significant role. It was found that residents of small settlements were much more common on the portal and had more orders than residents of large cities. The activity of users directly depended on the technical device and the browser used. Most of the customers, although continued to use the Apple iPhone products, the tendency to expand the proportion of Xiaomi gadgets in the market has been gaining momentum. It was Xiaomi's users who formed the main core of potential consumers, as they had a larger number of pages, the duration of stay on the site, and a lower percentage of refusals. The opposite group was the owners of Safari, Apple iPhone. They had a higher percentage of refusals and a lower average duration of use of the portal. It is stated that the nature of the search queries has changed from the curiosity of marine resorts and country bases to the western regions of Ukraine, especially balneological recreational centers: Morshyn; S. Solonka, Truskavets. Based on extrapolation methods, it has been proven that the aging of users of the Internet portal is a nationwide tendency and has a negative impact on the entire Internet market of Ukraine. The reasons for this are Covid-19, the war in eastern Ukraine and as a consequence of increased migration processes towards Western Europe. In view of this, it is proposed to review the policy of placement establishments, taking into account the age -related trends (aging) of the development of the audience and the directions of movement of most tourist masses.

Item Type: Article
Uncontrolled Keywords: hotel; Ukraine; Internet; marketing; the image of the user; services; tourism
Subjects: Research materials > Journal articles
Research materials > Journal articles > Humanities
Divisions: Educational and Scientific Institute of Business and Hospitality > Department of Economics and Business
Depositing User: Адміністратор репозиторію
Date Deposited: 02 Dec 2023 14:41
Last Modified: 02 Dec 2023 14:41

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