The role of motivation system in strategic development of enterprises

Khavrova, Kateryna and Хаврова, Катерина Сергіївна and Хаврова, Екатерина Сергеевна (2020) The role of motivation system in strategic development of enterprises. Таврійський науковий вісник (3). pp. 103-108. ISSN 2708-0366


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The article is devoted to the analysis of the system of personnel motivation in the conditions of strategic development of the enterprise. The process of motivation of the personnel of the enterprise by means of interaction of set of needs, motives and the purposes is investigated. It is proved that the solution to the problem of effective personnel management, first of all, comes down to improving the skills of employees and finding the best ways to motivate employees to work effectively. In view of this, the gradation of potential employees of the enterprise is made: competent and motivated; motivated but not competent enough; competent but insufficiently motivated; insufficiently competent and insufficiently motivated. Methods of motivating the company's staff are grouped into four incentive types: economic (salary in all its forms, including contract, bonuses, benefits, insurance, interest-free loans, etc.); goal management (setting a chain of goals for an individual or group, which contribute to solving the main task of the enterprise); labor enrichment (due to non-economic methods, which include: providing people with more meaningful, promising work, significant independence in determining the mode of work and use of resources); system of participation (broad involvement of the team in decision-making on the most important issues of production and management). It is determined that the system of motivation in the strategic development of the enterprise is a set of interconnected elements and consists of external and internal motivation, which must be balanced. External motivation is aimed at encouraging the result and process of intellectual activity. Internal motivation is aimed at creating and maintaining the potential of an intellectual worker. It is determined that the system of motivation should contain: motivation aimed at increasing intellectual potential; motivation aimed at effective communication; motivation aimed at improving competencies and motivation aimed at improving performance. Thus, a comprehensive system of motivation, including internal and external motivation of staff, aimed at creating and applying specialized knowledge, is an effective tool for enhancing the strategic development of the enterprise

Item Type: Article
Uncontrolled Keywords: motivation system, personnel, external motivation, internal motivation, personnel management
Subjects: Research materials > Journal articles > Economics
Research materials > Journal articles
Divisions: Educational and Scientific Institute of Business and Hospitality > Department of Economics and Business
Depositing User: Адміністратор репозиторію
Date Deposited: 21 Dec 2020 15:25
Last Modified: 21 Dec 2020 15:25

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