Diagnostics of regional hotel services markets infrastructure of Ukraine

Gorina, Ganna and Горіна, Ганна Олександрівна and Горина, Анна Александровна Diagnostics of regional hotel services markets infrastructure of Ukraine. Ефективна економіка (11). p. 2019. ISSN 2307-2105


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The article proposes that the most important determinant of the tourism industry development is the infrastructure component, which plays a significant role in the infrastructure of the hotel services market. The article provides diagnostics of the current state and features of the development of regional hotel services markets, which made it possible to identify its current trends, namely: a simultaneous decrease in the number of collective accommodation facilities with an increase in demand for hotel services and the number of people who stayed at them; the presence of a significant disproportion in the development of infrastructure of regional hotel services markets in terms of the number of collective accommodation facilities, in terms of the capacity of collective accommodation facilities, and in the number of persons in collective accommodation facilities; predominantly low capacity utilization of collective accommodation facilities in most regions of Ukraine; the elasticity of demand for hotel and tourism services in relation to the level of income and solvency of the population (expenditures on tourist services are not considered as the primary needs for human activity, the increase/decrease in tourist demand of the population has a direct correlation with the increase/decrease in the level of socio-economic development and increase in the solvency of the population, etc.). It is proposed to use the highlighted trends to justify the development directions of the tourist services market of Ukraine in the context of integration into the European tourism space. The article provides that disproportionate development of hotel infrastructure is an objective condition of functioning of the tourist market, caused by differences in volumes and tendency to seasonality of tourist flows by regions of the state, by distribution of natural resources, climatic features of regions, cultural and historical conditionality, unevenness , communication, resort and entertainment infrastructure, asymmetry of the distribution of recreational resources, etc.

Item Type: Article
Uncontrolled Keywords: hotel services market; regional market; infrastructure; collective accommodation; hotel; tourism; tourist services market
Subjects: Research materials > Journal articles > Economics
Research materials > Journal articles
Divisions: Educational and Scientific Institute of Hospitality Industry and Tourism > Department of Tourism and Country Studies
Depositing User: Адміністратор репозиторію
Date Deposited: 13 Dec 2019 13:59
Last Modified: 13 Dec 2019 13:59
URI: http://elibrary.donnuet.edu.ua/id/eprint/1621

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