Modern approaches to managing changes

Pryymak, Natalia and Приймак, Наталія Сергіївна (2018) Modern approaches to managing changes. Причорноморські економічні студії (38 (1)). pp. 72-76. ISSN 2524-0897


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Managing change equally concerns both the manifestation of external factors of the environment (producers of external changes) and internal factors (internal changes). Changing external factors that are unmanaged generates threats and opportunities for the enterprise, defines the conditions for implementing a general and business strategy. The change of internal, controlled factors determines the strength and weakness of the enterprise, the level of their manifestation and implementation of the strategic potential of the enterprise. In such circumstances, the task of managing change is to achieve and maintain an equilibrium balance between external and internal factors of change in the process of their implementation and achieve the goals and objectives of the enterprise. The modern approaches to change management are investigated, namely: process (change management is seen as a process, the components of which are consistent interrelated actions), systemic (change management is treated as a mechanism for building a set of elements, each of which affects the enterprise and direct management), situational (the approach emphasizes the need to develop managerial decisions regarding a particular situation), behavioral (behavioral) (managing change is based on the unity of employees in the process of implementing change), interdisciplinary (managing change is a multidimensional phenomenon that requires its study from the standpoint of various sciences and accumulation of their arsenal of various tools and techniques of management), competence, contextual, adaptive, humanistic, cognitive, psychodynamic, cybernetic, synergetic approaches, their content is specified. To take into account all the peculiarities of change management, a strategic approach to change management is proposed. According to this approach, change management is integrated into strategic management, but relatively autonomous, aimed at taking into account the factors of change and the tools for making changes in achieving the goals and strategy of the company at all stages of its implementation. Under the strategic approach, effective implementation of changes is possible only within the framework of the strategy (individual employee strategy, functional strategy, operational, operational or general business strategy).

Item Type: Article
Uncontrolled Keywords: changes, activity environment, change management, enterprise strategy, strategic management, efficiency
Subjects: Research materials > Journal articles
Research materials > Journal articles > Management and Administration
Divisions: Educational and Scientific Institute of Economics, Management and Administration > Department of Marketing, Management and Public Administration
Depositing User: Адміністратор репозиторію
Date Deposited: 11 Sep 2019 09:11
Last Modified: 11 Sep 2019 09:11

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