Study of the new method to intensify the process of extraction of beet pulp

Deynichenko, Grygoriy and Дейниченко, Григорій Вікторович and Дейниченко, Григорий Викторович and Huzenko, Vasyl and Гузенко, Василь Володимирович and Гузенко, Василий Владимирович and Dmytrevskyi, Dmytro and Дмитревський, Дмитро В’ячеславович and Дмитревський, Дмитрий Вячеславович and Chervonyi, Vitalii and Червоний, Віталій Миколайович and Червоный, Виталий Николаевич and Kolisnichenko, Tatiana and Колісниченко, Тетяна Олександрівна and Omelchenko, Oleksandr and Омельченко, Олександр Володимирович and Омельченко, Александр Владимирович and Melnyk, Olga and Мельник, Ольга Євгенівна and Мельник, Ольга Евгеньевна and Simakova, Olga and Сімакова, Ольга Олександрівна and Симакова, Ольга Александровна and Nykyforov, Radion and Никифоров, Радіон Петрович and Никифоров, Радион Петрович (2018) Study of the new method to intensify the process of extraction of beet pulp. Eastern-european journal of enterprise technologies, 4 (11(94)). pp. 15-20. ISSN 1729-3774


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We report results of experimental research into the process of acidic extraction of pectin-containing raw material (beet pulp) using the new model of the stirring element compared with the conventional grid stirrer. We have designed the experimental installation and devised a procedure for processing the results of studying the extraction process of pectin substances from pectin-containing raw materials (beet pulp), using the new combined stirring element. Mathematical models were constructed in the form of nonlinear regression equations based on the multifactor experiment planning method that employed input parameters of temperature, duration, and hydromodule. It was established that the principal influence on a change in the output parameters is exerted by the input variables of temperature and duration of the process. We show graphical dependences for quantitative and qualitative characteristics of pectin extracts (pectic substances concentration, molecular weight, complex- and gel-forming capability) depending on the input parameters of temperature and duration of the process for extraction of pectic substances. An analysis of these characteristics allowed us to determine the rational input parameters for the process of extraction of pectin substances. The rational working parameters of the process of acidic extraction of pectin substances from sugar beet pulp with the application of the new method for intensifying the process, are: temperature is 60...70 °C, duration is 1…1.1 hours, and hydromodule is 8...10. The purpose of this study was to intensify the extraction of pectic substances from pectin-containing raw materials, to improve technical level of the extraction process and to implement the developed method under industrial conditions. Based on the research results, the feasibility of the new method for intensification was established. Further implementation of these results in the food and processing industries would make it possible to produce a wide assortment of pectin-products (extracts, liquid and dry pectin concentrates).

Item Type: Article
Uncontrolled Keywords: pectin-containing raw material, process of acidic extraction, pectin substances, stirring element
Subjects: Research materials > Journal articles
Research materials > Journal articles > Mechanical Engineering
Divisions: Educational and Scientific Institute of Hospitality Industry and Tourism > Department of Engineering Disciplines and Equipment
Depositing User: Адміністратор репозиторію
Date Deposited: 14 Dec 2018 11:44
Last Modified: 14 Dec 2018 11:44

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