Аnalysis of the global market of gastronomic tourism services

Omelnytska, Viktoriia and Омельницька, Вікторія Олексіївна and Омельницкая, Виктория Алексеевна (2018) Аnalysis of the global market of gastronomic tourism services. Молодий вчений, 1 (9(61)). pp. 506-511. ISSN 2304–5809


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The quantity and regional concentration of objects of gastronomic tourism of the world are investigated. The quantitative and qualitative indicators of restaurants in the world as a gastronomic tourism object are analyzed. The specified number of objects of world gastronomic and culinary heritage and gastronomic festivals and events in the context of countries and regions. Regional delineation in the number of gastronomic tourism objects is allocated. The regions and countries that according to the number of objects of gastronomic travel have the greatest potential for development of gastronomic tourism and those that are potentially possible for this type of tourism are determined

Item Type: Article
Uncontrolled Keywords: gastronomic tourism, market of services, world market of tourism services, objects of gastronomic tourism, tourist regions
Subjects: Research materials > Journal articles > Economics
Research materials > Journal articles
Divisions: Educational and Scientific Institute of Hospitality Industry and Tourism > Department of Technology in Restaurant Management, Hotel and Restaurant Business and Entrepreneurship
Depositing User: Адміністратор репозиторію
Date Deposited: 13 Dec 2018 07:12
Last Modified: 13 Dec 2018 07:12
URI: http://elibrary.donnuet.edu.ua/id/eprint/1186

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